Somerset Family Medicine SFM
Somerset Family Medicine SFM
Immigration Medical Exams (I-693 form for green card)
Immigration Medical Exams (I-693 form for green card)
Troy Office: 248-816-1010
Sterling Heights Office: 586-722-7240
Schedule online: www.drjaddou.c​om
Any question e-mail our civil surgeon Dr. Neil Jaddou:
USCIS Civil Surgeon, I-693 form, Immigration Medical Exam/Green Card

Fill out this I-693 form since it has our address in it
Also on the bottom of page 3, put passport and #
You Must USE Edge (FORMERLY, INTERNET EXPLORER) to open the new form

Make sure to download adobe acrobat reader to be able to generate your name on all the pages. Save the form to your desktop first right click to open it with Adobe reader. If you have issues with filling the form, come at least half an hour earlier to your appointment and we will have you sit on one of our computer stations and direct you on how to fill it and would print it for you. Any help you need, we are there to help you.
Instructions on how to fill I-693 form:
Fill ONLY part 1, your name, and A number at the top of each page. It is ok if you do not have an A-number.
Fill part 2 only if an interpreter is helping you with your application for I-693
1- Name: Use your legal name. If you have two last names, include both and use a hyphen (-) to separate them. If we are asked whether to use your new or old name, you must ask your immigration attorney.
2- Home address: Give your physical street address, no P.O. Box.
3- Date of birth: Use 8 numbers, for example if you are born May 1, 1979 use 05/01/1979.
4- Place of birth: Give the name of city, town or village you were born in.
5- Country of birth: Give the name of country you were born.
6- A-number: This is alien registration file number. This starts with an "A". If you don't have it, leave it blank.
7- Signature: If the child is younger than 14, a parent or guardian should sign. IF YOUR CHILD IS 14 YEARS OR OLDER THE CHILD MUST SIGN NOT THE PARENTS.
8- Top of pages 2-14: Only type your name and A-number.
9- Bottom of page 4 please type passport and passport #